The Great Omission
You heard of the Great Commission, in today's churches this has become the Great Omission. Most Christians have forgotten the call, or are they really Christians. Do most Christians live in violation of the 1st Commandment? ( Thou Shalt have no other gods before me! ) or the 2nd? ( Thou shalt not make any graven images? ) Most of us say we haven't, but look at that one again! A graven image, whether physical or mental, is a god we create first in our minds. We often say to ourselves, "My God would not ask me to to take a stand that could cost me my job!", Well the god you created in your mind probably would not, but the God of the Bible would ask you to take a stand that would cost you even more, he might ask you to give your life. 10 of the original 12 were martyred, 1 was inprisoned for life on the isle of Patmos. Missionaries in other countries die almost daily for thier faith even today. Some, like Rachael Scott of Columbine, are called to give thier lives right here in this country, while we as "so called Christians" are afraid to stand up when our jobs might be on the line. We are afraid to speak the name of Jesus. We cower at the threat of a lawsuit and yet we call ourselves Christians. We live in fear, when we should be living in VICTORY. The battles is over!!! It was won on the cross 2000 years ago yet we are still hiding in the shadows like the apostles did before the resurrection. These men face persecution like we never have and yet they stood and preached, they preached until they where executed. Paul is recorded to have praised God from the jail even after being beat within an inch of his life. AND WE DONT WANT TO OFFEND ANYONE!!! We dont want to drive them away! Whe are we gonna drive them to? WHERE? WHERE? Is there somewhere else besides Hell? Somewhere worse? The bible I study says there is not! God is plain we all will end up in one of 2 places, Heaven or Hell! If they are already going to Heaven there is nothing we can do to prevent that (John 10:29 - "My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. "). Sadly many will be in Hell because of our apathy. This makes me look at "we so called Christians" and wonder if we truly are saved.
As Charles Surgeon put it, "Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you are not saved yourself. Be sure of that." I agree with that statement. While we are not all called to be Billy Grahams, Charles Spurgeons, Jack Sheltons, we are all "CALLED", the Great Commission is a call to all Christians everywhere. Not just a few. If you still draw breathe then "The Great Commission" applies to YOU!!
Some of you are saying well I am not sure, I am no preacher, I am no teacher, my health is failing, my eyes are bad, my knees are bad. Well there is good news, the definition of preach is this "speak, plead, or argue in favour of" If you can "speak" then you are qualified to "preach" the gospel to every person you see. That is tell them what God did for them, but don't forget to start like Jesus did, first he pointed out the need for a savior. He pointed out thier "SIN" and he did something we are often afraid to do today. He called sin, SIN. If you need help learning to share your faith by way of the LAW ( the 10 commandments ) then try visiting:
The easiest way to begin is to start by simply handing out tracts. I purchase my tracts from Living Waters I have rarely had someone refuse one of thier tracts and never had anyone get upset with me. Most people thank me and continue on thier way, some ask questions but most just say "Thanks". My favorites are the 10 Commandment Coins, Million Dollar Bills and the Smart Cards
All of these are effective and get peoples attention. The 10 Commandment coins are great to give out at prarades and festivals where people are already in the mode of collecting the aluminum tokens.
So as Kirk Cameron & Ray Comfort say. "Don't waist another minute, Go and share your faith while you still have time!!!"
God Bless You
As Charles Surgeon put it, "Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you are not saved yourself. Be sure of that." I agree with that statement. While we are not all called to be Billy Grahams, Charles Spurgeons, Jack Sheltons, we are all "CALLED", the Great Commission is a call to all Christians everywhere. Not just a few. If you still draw breathe then "The Great Commission" applies to YOU!!
Some of you are saying well I am not sure, I am no preacher, I am no teacher, my health is failing, my eyes are bad, my knees are bad. Well there is good news, the definition of preach is this "speak, plead, or argue in favour of" If you can "speak" then you are qualified to "preach" the gospel to every person you see. That is tell them what God did for them, but don't forget to start like Jesus did, first he pointed out the need for a savior. He pointed out thier "SIN" and he did something we are often afraid to do today. He called sin, SIN. If you need help learning to share your faith by way of the LAW ( the 10 commandments ) then try visiting:
The easiest way to begin is to start by simply handing out tracts. I purchase my tracts from Living Waters I have rarely had someone refuse one of thier tracts and never had anyone get upset with me. Most people thank me and continue on thier way, some ask questions but most just say "Thanks". My favorites are the 10 Commandment Coins, Million Dollar Bills and the Smart Cards
All of these are effective and get peoples attention. The 10 Commandment coins are great to give out at prarades and festivals where people are already in the mode of collecting the aluminum tokens.
So as Kirk Cameron & Ray Comfort say. "Don't waist another minute, Go and share your faith while you still have time!!!"
God Bless You
So True! Whatever we put in front of God is a god. We have gotten to the point in some churches where it is not worship but a ritual that is gone thru.
When i was growing up the church was the center of the community. Whatever was happening at church everyone was there. Now if you have a handful you are doing good. We have forgotten the GREAT COMMISSION.
Anonymous, at Monday, April 10, 2006 2:09:00 AM
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