The Great Commission has now become "The Great Omission" among Christians today!

Friday, May 05, 2006

10 out of 10 people DIE!!!

Did you take the time to share the Gospel with the grocery store clerk today? What about the clerk at the local gas station? The lost co-worker? anybody? did you even pass out a tract? did you do anything that set you apart? If you are a child of King Jesus, then you should be going through a process of sanctification ( to be sanctified is to be set apart ), are you different? How does someone who does not know you know that you are different? Is it totally evident in your life? Does the foul mouth co-worker change their language when you walk into the room?

Do you practice friendship evangelism? At what point are you going to tell that friend about Jesus? Remember 10 out of 10 people! over 250,000 per day, over 10,000 per hour, 180 per minute, approx 3 per sec. Even if you are a fast reader, more than 10 people have passed into eternity since you started reading this document, for most more like 20 have DIED! That could very well include that friend you have been just "living the life in front of them, waiting for them to ask you".

Picture this! It is Sunday morning 9:40am, Sunday School starts at 9:45am you are pulling out of you driveway and just have enough time to make it to church on time. You are in charge of the lesson this morning, so class cannot start without you. On your way to the church you see you fire boiling out the eves of a close friends house. They have a large picture window in the living room and you see them relaxing in the living room apparently unaware of the fire. Out of concern for their safety you would stop( at least I hope you would) and warn them, you would not even stop to knock on the door, you would burst into their home to warn them, to get them out before the fire consumed them. What if they told you "We don't believe in fire and therefore that our house is on fire" Would you get back in your car and continue to church? NO WAY! You would do everything in your power to convince them of immediate danger of the fire. We must not let "Church" get in the way of ministry, but as a church we should be "going about ministry" We should be reaching the lost! That is our calling

Well YOUR LOST FRIENDS ARE IN IMMEDIATE danger of perishing in the fires of HELL. We must share the gospel with them TODAY!

Why do you think the apostles were willing to give their lives for the Gospel? THEY GOT IT!!! They realized then that 10 out of 10 people die, and without forgiveness from Jesus 10 of 10 will go to HELL.

I was listening the the radio while carrying my daughter to school this morning and A guy was talking about a Christian event this weekend in Luna (south of Bawcomville) he said that he had some lost friends that after he got to heaven "I don't want to get there and say you know old Joe would have really enjoyed this" Well the pleasures of heaven should not be our only motivation to get there. they should not even be discussed in the presentation of the Gospel, the point is WE ARE ALL SINNERS.... YEP 10 out of 10 us! that is what the Bible says, Rom 3:23 We need forgiveness!!! We must ask for the forgiveness and turn from our wicked ways. Place our faith and trust in him and him alone, We should then allow God to begin to Sanctify us, that is set us apart! We are to be in the world but not apart of the world.

You will not hear me say that our church or our denomination is the only one going to Heaven, in fact I do not believe that most of our church or denomination are going. From what I see, I have a hard time believing that half of those professing Christianity are going. You may be wondering what do I base this on? Well, If you are a saved, YOU ARE CALLED to evangelism, Look at the woman at the well. She was a harlot, but once she received salvation, she immediately began to bring other to Christ. She told everybody she knew and many who only knew her reputation, and some who had not met her, she told the whole town... She brought them all to hear the Gospel. She did not wait until she had spent years studying the scriptures before she began to bring others to Jesus, she began immediately... While Jesus witnessed one on one, he sent his disciples out 2 by 2. Notice in Mark 6:7-9, he did not send the disciples out with a bible, no scrolls. He sent them out only with the Gospel that was in their hearts. We too should be prepared to share our faith without the aid any printed material. I am not trying to deemphasize the importance of the Bible but rather to emphasize the importance of having that scripture written on our heart.

Notice The woman at the well with no theological foundation brought the people to hear the gospel, the disciples who had been taught by Jesus went to share the gospel without bringing everyone back. If you gave your heart to Jesus in the last 12 months You should be reading your bible daily. If you gave your heart to Jesus 30 years ago you should have read through the bible multiple times since then, you should be feeding on the word and not simply waiting for the "Pastor" to feed you on Sunday morning. If you have no more desire to learn more about Jesus than to allow the pastor to be your only source of doctrine, You should examine yourself to see if you are indeed a True Believer. If the 12:01pm or later Sunday is your idea of the pastor keeping you too long, then you need to examine yourself to see if you are indeed a Christian! (1 Cor 13:5). When the pastor lets you out of the morning service before midnight, by New Testament standards, it was a short message. We are not to be coming to church for what we get out of it, but only to gather together to worship the King who saved us from eternal flames of Hell with we rightly deserve. We see that Paul preached an service one evening and at midnight, Eutychus fell a sleep, and fell to his death from a 3rd floor window, was raised from the dead and the service lasted until day light. Now remember that the jobs held by individuals at this time were not like our easy air conditioned offices, they had no power tools to carve the stone and cut the wood. no fork lift to move the merchandise around. It was mostly manual labor. and they were not complaining, they stayed and gladly listened to the gospel message and teachings of Paul.

So quit your belly aching and making excuses,

JUST go share you faith while THEY STILL HAVE TIME!!!


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