The Great Commission has now become "The Great Omission" among Christians today!

Monday, July 31, 2006

The Bible is full of mistakes!

Most Christians argue that there are no mistakes in the Bible. You know that is just not true! I believe Eve made the first recorded mistake. Then Adam followed suit. Nest was Cain... He made 2 almost back to back. First he brought the wrong type of offering to God as a sin offering, then he got made and killed his brother because of his own sin. Here is another example, Saul. He was tall, head and shoulders above other men and chosen as the first King of Israel. Because of his sin, God chose David as his successor. So what did Saul do? He tried everything he could to kill David!

Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort publish a Gospel Tract the is 160 pages of everything man has learned from history. Do you know what is on those pages? NOTHING!

We are no different from Cain or Saul, when we are confronted with our sin, instead of acting like David and falling on our face and repenting, instead of begging for God's forgiveness, we try to kill God's messenger. Sin runs rampant in our churches today an no one is willing to address the problems for fear of the "Kill the Messenger" syndrome that we all suffer from. Sad but true!

What are we doing wrong? Well for one, when was the last time you attempted to share the gospel with anyone? Can you even remember? Have you ever tried? I think the trip Our youth went on was great, they learned to pass out Gospel Tracts! Hayden shared how difficult this was for him and how God placed someone in his path to encourage him. You know, it really is not that hard! Try slipping one to the clerk at WalMart or Brookshires next time you check out! that is always a good place to start. They have to be polite! It is in their job description! If you don't believe me just ask their manager. They can throw it away after you leave but you know if the tract is good enough they will read it on their next break. (I recommend the tracts by Living Waters.)

You know sometime I hear friends say they want to share the gospel with someone but they are afraid they might push them away. My question is where are you gonna push them? Hell? that is where they are headed are ready! Is that person a friend? Next time you are looking at them face to face ask yourself, "What is it going to feel like when my friend who now stands before me dies and goes to Hell? If his/her family asks me to speak at their funeral, what could I say?" How are you going to feel if that person is killed on their way home? If they have a heart attack and die 30 seconds after you part company? I know this is not pleasant to think about, but you know we must!

We as Christians must get serious about sharing the Gospel with our friends and loved ones. We must get serious about sharing the Gospel with the world. We must get serious about enabling others to reach the world with the Gospel. Who are you helping to share the Gospel in some other region of the globe? who do you help in our notion to share the Gospel? who in our state?
Are you active in our community?

Think about this! Saul made mistakes and tried to punish others when confronted, David made mistakes and repented when confronted! Saul was demon oppressed, David was called a man after God's own heart! which do you want to be today?

Saul or David?
Cain or Able?

Saul or Paul?
Hmmm that is interesting.... While they were physically the same man, definitely 2 different men! Both fanatical! Saul was doing what he thought was right! Paul did whatever God showed him to do!

Jesus call James and John and to them "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men!"

Are you watching the news about Israel? Time is running out!

Let's go fishing while men still have time! Do not hesitate go today!


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